For the understatement of the century: times are tough right now. With what’s happening in the games industry, in politics, in many of our personal lives, it can feel overwhelmingly difficult to orient ourselves. I’ve been through a lot of tough times, myself, and here’s what helps me get through them.
One of the best things you can do for yourself is to continue to do what you do best. If there’s an artform you’re passionate about, whether it’s traditional "work" or the art of caring for your loved ones and your community, there’s never been a better time to tune out of the world and into your art. You’ll be a happier, better self - and that's the self that we need.
Bonus: if you’re in the business of monetizing your art, that’s a good way to move out of the nightmare of capitalism. Become a master of your craft and build a war chest for yourself and your loved ones. Or, feed your spirit enough with your art to keep going wherever you go to pay the bills.
Exercise. Sorry.
Endorphins, longevity, a healthier body and a clearer mind - you know it’s good for you, you know it’s good for you, so get out there and get moving. Remember that "best version of you?" That version of you exercises.
I like to lift weights. I’m gettin real strong. If you know me well, you already know this, because I will not shut up about it.
Do it.
Stop reading the news. Sorry again.
Unplug, and take care of yourself. There are other people out there with more resources, more time, more energy, who can and will fight on your behalf. If you’re questioning whether or not you have enough to give, it is very possible that you don’t right now. That sucks, but what sucks worse is you burning yourself out and giving up entirely. So, don’t do that.
Take a chill pill.
They’re small steps, but they work. Inch by inch, step by step, it’ll help. Maybe you’ll win that contract or land that deal, maybe you’ll get that promotion or find that job, or maybe you’ll just find the strength to get up and get back to it for another day. But here’s the trick: if you do that every day, before you know it, you’ve done it.